A Complete Guide to Switching to Business NBN

If you need a landline phone connection or internet service, it’s likely your business will need to transition to the nbn™ if it hasn’t already. You typically have 18 months to make the shift once the NBN Co announces the rollout has been completed in your area. While it might seem like a significant transition, the process isn’t as hard as some might think. There are various ways to approach it. The solution can be customised and adoption can be a smooth, fairly effortless process. Here, we’ve outlined the key considerations and steps to make it as clear and easy as possible for your business’s transition.

The considerations for moving to business NBN

If your business is getting ready to move to a business NBN plan, consider the following points so you can plan for them in advance.

1. Give notice

Speak to your retail service provider (RSP) and let them know you’re looking for a business nbn™ solution. Tell them where you need it connected. This step might seem straightforward but effective communication can make this easy process even smoother!

2. Connecting your existing phone system

Moving your existing phone system over to the nbn™ can be a can be a complex, involved process. You will need to contact your retail service provider (RSP) and you may need to also get in touch with the supplier and manufacturer of your phone system.

Contact your RSP for the specific steps to take. Clarify whether your existing equipment will be compatible with the nbn™. It could be as simple as plugging your phone handset or base station into the nbn™ Connection box's "UNI-V" phone port or a router from your RSP.

In any case, check with your current phone service provider about whether you’ll be required to move to the nbn™. If so, make a note of your disconnection date so you can plan ahead for the migration. Also, if you don’t own your premises, make sure you obtain permission from your landlord before having any nbn™ equipment installed.

3. What speeds can you expect?

The government requires NBN Co to provide a minimum peak wholesale download speed of 25Mpbs to all premises. Note that other factors like your plan, your RSP’s capacity, and your set-up can also affect the speed.

Note RSPs offer different nbn™ solutions, such as flexible bundles and plans, that can be tailored to meet your business’s needs. For example, you might have a phone service with your nbn™ plan, and you might choose a 50Mbps, or 100Mbps plan to suit your speed requirements.

4. Where can you connect?


Much of Australia is covered by the nbn™ and it’s likely you can be connected, especially if you’re in a metropolitan area. To find out for sure, check your eligibility by entering your business address here.

5. How to do it

Follow these steps to make the shift tocon your business nbn™ plan:


What to do if your business is moving

Occasionally businesses find themselves having to move to new premises. Although it can be a nuisance to move, fortunately the nbn™ rollout is complete and the infrastructure now widespread. This will make your move that much easier, and taking your business nbn™ plan with you could be just a matter of getting in touch with your provider.

If you’re moving, make sure you speak to your RSP as early as possible. Give them the information they need to ensure a smooth transition for your business, and also so they can aim to have your plan activated for when you and your team move into your new location.

Making the switch

Making the transition to an nbn™ plan isn’t as challenging as it might seem. However, if it’s available in your area, you will need to make the change within the specified period. Ensure you contact your chosen RSP as soon as possible and plan ahead for disconnection and reconnection to minimise or avoid any downtime for your business. Don’t forget to choose a plan that matches your business’s requirements. As long as you keep these key considerations in mind, you can ensure it’s a smooth process for you, your team, and your business.

SpinTel has been providing fast, cost-effective service to our customers since 1996. Our award-winning nbn™ plans are supported by our friendly, efficient sales and support teams. We can provide you with the right nbn™ solution, no matter where you’re located in Australia. Contact us here for more details or find out more about our business nbn™ plans here.


Our friendly gurus are ready and waiting to help you choose the best plan for you.